How sound behaves in a building can have a dramatic effect on the experience people have using the space. When done properly, acoustic design improves the educational attainment of children and helps hospital patients recover more quickly. Productivity in offices increases along with staff satisfaction. And, of course, a concert hall isn’t a concert hall if it doesn’t sound amazing.
By using an acoustic consultant on your project, problems such as a lack of privacy between hotel rooms, a highly reverberant restaurant where the noise is unbearable, or being unable to sleep because of the sound of a nearby road, are all easily avoided.
Read on to find out more about our building acoustics expertise
Nobody should have to suffer an environment where they can’t easily understand what is being said, where music turns into a mess of noise instead of a transforming experience, or where they can’t concentrate because of the mush of noise all around them. Yet lots of us accept this as part of our everyday lives.
We work in conjunction with the architect and design team to integrate acoustic treatments into a space so they are sympathetic to the design intent as well as meeting the client’s acoustic aspirations for the space.
Using the ODEON acoustic modelling package, we can examine and predict a wide range of acoustic parameters, allowing us to optimise the quantity and placement of acoustic treatments while providing value to our clients.
Sound insulation is the level of acoustic separation between spaces. This can be both airborne (e.g. controlling voices, music) and impact (controlling footfall, for example).
It is important to consider sound insulation in any building where acoustic separation and privacy between spaces is essential to their use. This includes residential, educational and commercial settings, mixed use developments with cafes and commercial space directly under apartments and even spaces as diverse as police interview rooms, and music rehearsal rooms.
We control sound insulation by optimising the specification of floor and wall partitions, matching their performance to the specific source we are trying to control. For example, the solution for low frequency music is not the same as for mid frequency speech. Acoustic detailing at partition junctions and for services penetrations is key in ensuring the performance of the wall or floor is not compromised.
In the crossover between environmental noise and building acoustics – quite literally – sit building facades. We use the data gathered from our noise survey, and sometimes from the acoustic model of the site, to assess the level of sound insulation needed to ensure people are not disturbed as they go about their lives. This includes consideration of appropriate noise levels for sleep and rest (BS 8233) and noise levels for commercial and office space where a controlled level of background noise can, in fact, be desirable.
As well as specifying the acoustic performance of glazing and the wall build up, we examine whether external noise levels are such that windows can be opened to provide everyday ventilation or whether alternative systems, from trickle vents to MVHR, are needed. Even in noisy areas, however, we never advocate for sealed windows, believing that occupants should have control over their environment.
Most commercial and performing arts buildings are mechanically ventilated, however, it is becoming a popular option in residential and educational developments. Mechanical ventilation systems generate noise, both from the machinery and fans themselves and from regenerated noise as air flows through the ductwork.
dBx Acoustics’ consultants review the noise data for services equipment and calculate the level of noise transfer to the room served. This includes duct losses and regenerated noise and the effect of the room itself, and using the results, we can specify acoustic attenuators to be installed within the system to control noise levels as required. We also review proposed M&E layouts to identify potential problems and suggest modifications before design is finalised.