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dBx Jargon Buster - Code of Practice on Environmental Noise Control at Concerts

Welcome to the dBx Acoustics jargon buster! In this section, we list some common acoustic terms as well as standards and guidance you may be asked to comply with. If there’s something you need to know that we haven’t covered here, please let us know.

Code of Practice on Environmental Noise Control at Concerts

The Code considers noise from large-scale music events at outdoor venues, and is primarily used for venues where music occurs for no more than 12 days per year – for example festival sites, or sports arenas used for occasional music events.

Criteria are presented for acceptable noise levels at noise sensitive properties, dependent on the type of venue and the number of events held per year. The guidance also recommends that when events continue beyond 23:00h, music should be inaudible within residential premises.

Guidance is given on appropriate licencing conditions, and noise control methods.