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dBx Jargon Buster - Approved Document E (ADE)

Welcome to the dBx Acoustics jargon buster! In this section, we list some common acoustic terms as well as standards and guidance you may be asked to comply with. If there’s something you need to know that we haven’t covered here, please let us know.

Approved Document E (ADE)

Approved Document E (ADE) sets out the required airborne and impact sound insulation standards for new and converted residential dwellings. The document contains useful information on the design of separating walls and floors and detailing.

Before a residential development is signed off by Building Control, it is a requirement that pre-completion acoustic testing should be carried out. The testing must be carried out by an organisation which is either UKAS accredited for this specific testing, or registered with the Association of Noise Consultants for sound insulation testing. dBx Acoustics is UKAS accredited for pre-completion sound insulation testing (laboratory number 9473).