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dBx Acoustics

Construction Noise and Dust Monitoring

Did you know that dBx Acoustics offers cost effective construction site noise, dust and vibration monitoring?

Many Local Authorities require that the construction management plan for development includes consideration of how these aspects will be controlled, but then also evidence that these controls are in place and that the Contractor is aware of and responsive to any issues. dBx installs units which allow us to provide our clients with the following;

  • Instant text alerts to site manager if noise, vibration or dust (PM 10, PM 2.5 or TSP) limits are breached.
  • A weekly or monthly report on measured levels at each monitoring location which can be correlated with activities on site.
  • Confidence that any problems arising can be dealt with quickly.
  • Long term, low cost, low maintenance monitoring.

Of course, as well as the cost saving from not having monitoring personnel on the site on a regular basis, this system means that levels are monitored continuously rather than in discrete bursts. This gives both the site, and the Local Authority, added confidence that everything is under control.

The system is flexible, allowing us to monitor only what is needed (for example, just construction noise and dust monitoring but not vibration) or the full suite of noise, dust and vibration monitoring if necessary. We also have multiple units which can be deployed on larger sites to ensure that all potentially sensitive receptors are covered. The system’s applications aren’t limited to construction and demolition sites either – they can be used at industrial sites for general compliance monitoring, for example, or for roadside noise measurements.

If you’d like to know more about how we can solve the monitoring headache for you, please contact us!