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Dry Ice Scotland Logo

Dry Ice Scotland

During 2021 dBx Acoustics provided a noise survey and noise impact assessment for Dry Ice Scotland’s new facility in Dumfries. Adjacent to an existing anaerobic digestion plant, the dry ice plant uses carbon dioxide generated in the anaerobic digestion process to produce dry ice which is then used in the food, aerospace, and pharmaceutical sectors.

The noise assessment was carried out in accordance with the specific requirements of SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) including a desktop survey, on- and off- site monitoring, noise modelling and demonstration that BAT (best available techniques) for noise control had been included in the design.

A noise model of the site was created, calibrated against the noise levels measured on site, which allowed us to assess the impact of the new plant on the nearby residential properties. The model then allowed mitigation measures to be explored (including noise barriers and attenuation of individual plant items) to avoid any adverse noise impact at the surrounding properties.