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dBx Jargon Buster - BS8233

Welcome to the dBx Acoustics jargon buster! In this section, we list some common acoustic terms as well as standards and guidance you may be asked to comply with. If there’s something you need to know that we haven’t covered here, please let us know.


BS8233: Sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings is most commonly encountered when considering the effects of noise on residential developments. The standard sets appropriate levels within a dwelling during both the day- and night-time periods, and a noise survey of the external levels is used during the design stage to assess the glazing and façade construction needed to control noise breaking into the proposed building. This assessment methodology is also used to determine whether a building can be naturally ventilated with open windows, or whether an alternative means of ventilation is required.

The standard also contains guidance on appropriate noise levels within a variety of commercial building types, as well as guidance on speech privacy between noise sensitive spaces.